কাচের গ্লাস meaning in english

The Bengali phrase "কাচের গ্লাস" literally translates to "glass glass" in English. However, in the context of Bengali, it refers to a drinking glass made of glass. In English, this would be called a "drinking glass" or a "tumbler."

Here are some examples of how the phrase "কাচের গ্লাস" can be used in a sentence:

আমি একটা কাচের গ্লাসে জল খাচ্ছি। (I am drinking water from a glass.)

তুমি কি একটা কাচের গ্লাস চাও? (Would you like a glass of water?)

আমি কাচের গ্লাস কিনতে যাব। (I'm going to buy a glass.)

It is important to note that the phrase "কাচের গ্লাস" can also be used to refer to a glass made of other materials, such as plastic or crystal. However, in most cases, it is used to refer to a glass made of glass.

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